Tag: disc golf

  • 19th Annual Birmingham Ice Bowl @ George Ward Park

    19th Annual Birmingham Ice Bowl @ George Ward Park

    This is a PDGA sanctioned event. Round 1 Starts at 9am.

    The normal $10 non-member fee is waived for this event.

    ALL proceeds will go to the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama.

    AM divisions will play for trophies only but will receive a player pack at check-in.

    A $5 fee will be assessed at check-in if you do not bring 5 non-perishable food items. You can pay the $5 fee in your registration if you prefer not to bring food.

    Cash CTPs ($50 each) will be placed on the 4 shortest pins. Entry for these CTPs is $10.

    We are seeking individuals or businesses for :

    Event Sponsor – $500
    Hole Sponsors – non-player $50
    Hole Sponsor – players – $25